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genevieve gorder online fan club

Who can join the fan club?
The fan club is for all admirers of Genevieve Gorder and her many talents as a designer.  Anyone who appreciates what Gen does in her profession is welcome to join the fan club.  

Why should I join this club?  
We will be having weekly chats where you can get to know others who think Gen is awesome.  By joining the club, you will also be guaranteed to keep updated in all the news regarding Genevieve because you will receive a newsletter every other week. In addition, we will organize gift projects for Genevieve twice a year-- once for her birthday in July and again at Christmastime.   

How do I join?
So, are you interested in joining?  If so, please e-mail me at srpicia@yahoo.com with the following information:

First name
Your e-mail address
Your favorite Genevieve "Trading Spaces" room

You will be signed up for the fan club mailing list after I receive your e-mail.  Once we have a membership of at least ten people, you will receive information via e-mail where we can discuss when the weekly chats will be held.  We will also put your information (minus your e-mail address) in a "fan club members" section.

You can also join by signing up for the fan club mailing list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gengorderfanclub.  Once you sign up, please post the information (name, e-mail, etc) to the list so I can count you in as a member.

How can I help?
If you want to help out with the club, doing anything from organizing chats to coming up with ideas, please let me know!  Help is very much needed and appreciated.  Eventually it would be great to have three main leaders of the fan club, and any Gen fan is welcome to let me know if you're interested.

Please note:  This is an absolutely unofficial fan club.


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